You want to use the magsafe while you are using the most beautiful liquid case, so this product is designed for you. 
It is as good and well made as the original, so don't worry about it.

Magsafe compatible for iPhone 14

Pretty Light liquid

The best quality price liquid case out, the case is good and the price is very low.

Recommend from iPhone 6 to 11 cause it do not support magsafe charger !

GOOD Light liquid

People should know I am magsafe ready

With the magsafe logo on the back I feel more comfortable

Beautiful and best quality liquid case

If you want the best and most beautiful quality of liquid case ! Here is the perfect product to give the high benefits to your customers

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Be aware that the pictures represent only the design of the product. But not the models itself. So don't be surprise if you choose a Samsung S7 while you are seing the photo of an iPhone6.