

USB Rechargeable LED Desks Table Lamp Adjustable intensity Reading Light - 78667 -Green

Product Id : 78667

Product Availability: In stock


1. 360 degree free twisted tube can be bent to direct light just where you want it.

2. 18pcs of lighting source, no flicker, no radiation, provide full protection to your eyes.

3. 1.5mmultra slim diffusion sheet, the light is brighter and milder with the diffusion sheet.

4. The lamp has 3 level of brightness (for reading, relaxing and sleeping), that will provide full protection to your

Item Describe:

1. 100% Brand New and High Quality

2. Type : 18LED USB Desk Lamp

3. Material: ABS+ Rubber

4. Size: 35 x 10 x 13cm

5. Power Input: DC 5V 0.3A ,Power Source: 1.5W

6. Battery Capacity: 800mAh , Charger time: 4-6hours

7. Color Temperature: 5500K-6000K ,Max. Brightness: 600LUX

8. The light can be powered by rechargeable Lithium battery or USB cable.

Package Included:

1 x Table Lamp

1 x USB Charging Cable
LED Products
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微信图片_20190809124222.jpgUSB Rechargeable LED Desks Table Lamp Adjustable intensity Reading Light - 78667 -GreenCall for price

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